Organised by the International Federation for Information Technology and Travel & Tourism (IFITT), the pre-conference event provides a forum for doctoral students undertaking research related to Information and Communication Technology in Travel and Tourism to interactively discuss their research with peers, colleagues, and leading supervisors and scholars in the field. Doctoral students at all stages (i.e. beginning as well as nearly completed) are encouraged to participate.
This workshop will provide doctoral students an opportunity to share and develop their research ideas in a critical but supportive environment, get feedback from mentors who are senior members within the IT and Tourism research community, explore issues related to academic and research careers, and build relationships with other students, researchers and members of the community from around the world.
Participants will also have the opportunity to meet and discuss with journal editors in order to get familiarised and learn how to best write and submit papers to leading academic journals.
The workshop invites all interested doctoral students to submit their research proposals for review and feedback. The research proposals should be a maximum length of five pages (A4) and should typically include the following headings:
In your submission, please also indicate your progress toward completion of the thesis (i.e. thinking about it, just beginning the process, completed proposal, etc.)
Each submission will undergo a review process. Students will be notified about the review outcome, along with recommendations to improve the proposal before the workshop. Accepted proposals will be made available as e-book to workshop participants before the Workshop and published on IFITT website
Participants are also required to prepare a poster presentation, which will be displayed throughout the entire ENTER conference. The best research proposal will receive an award and will be recognized at the main conference event!
Rodolfo Baggio, Bocconi University, Italy ()
Marianna Sigala University of Aegean, Greece ()
Alessandro Inversini, Bournemouth University, UK ()
Juho Pesonen, University of Eastern Finland ()
If you would like to participate or need more information please contact one of the ENTER PhD workshop chairs