Meta Search and Social Media - The New Battlegrounds for the Consumer?
22 January 2014, 15:00-16:30
Moderator: Gareth Gaston (Wyndham Hotel Group)
Aoife Desmond David Pavelko Adrian Hans
(Facebook) (Google) (TripAdvisor)
Quentin Moores
(Derby Soft)
Irish eTourism Day - Panel Discussion
How Technology Enables the Irish Tourism Product - A 2020 Vision
22 January 2014, 15:00-16:30
Moderator: Alex Gibson (DIT)
Shane Nolan Kate Simpson Orla Carroll
(Google) (Facebook) (Fáilte Ireland)
Colm Lyon Brian Harte
(Realex Payments) (Tourism Ireland)
ICT and Tourism – Important Trends and Next Revolutions (Final Panel Discussion)
24 January 2014, 14:00-15:00
Moderator: Hannes Werthner (Vienna University of Technology)
Kevin O'Sullivan Paul Baron Ehud Ben-haim
(SITA) (Tourism Victoria) (Google)
Orla Carroll Zheng Xiang
(Fáilte Ireland) (Virginia Tech)